Ajeet Kumar
belong to a separate group of organisms called Fungi. The living body of the
fungus is mycelium made out of a tiny web of threads (or filaments) called
hyphae. Under specific conditions, sexually compatible hyphae will fuse and
start to form spores. The larger spore producing structures (bigger than about
1 mm) are called mushrooms. Mushrooms did not prepare his food with the help of
Chlorophyll; it prepares their food with the help of dead and decaying organic
materials. They obtained their nutrient with the help of very fine thread like
structures called mycelium which penetrates into the decayed material and then
uptake their required nutrients. Mushrooms are grown in various ecological
conditions from desert to forest. For the cultivation of mushroom requited
favourable conditions like temperature, humidity. Temperature will be in
between 8-370 C and humidity will be in between 65-80 %. They
comprise a large heterogeneous group with different shapes, sizes, colour and
edibility. It is a rich source of protein as well as vitamins vis.
Vitamin B, C and minerals vis. Calcium, phosphorus and iron along with
some essential amino acids.
It is also
called a vegetarian meat because it’s fleecy nature. It can be cultivated by
all type of farmers like Marginal, Small, and Large farmers. Mushroom
cultivation is an eco-friendly, highly profitable and fast money earning
process. It can be a part time cultivation process for the farmers, because it
cannot take much more time in management process. Today the demand of mushroom
is very in all over the world. With the help of mushroom so many medicines are
prepared by the pharmaceutical companies. Its food is also very delicious and
costly that’s why farmers should go for the mushroom cultivation. In the
cultivation process the cost of cultivation is very low but earning is higher
than the production cost. When farmer will go for the cultivation of mushroom
in Organic way then it is definitely help for reduce of cost of cultivation,
because in this method farmer will not use any inorganic chemicals in the
treatment of straw process and it also help for reduce the cost of water
because in organic cultivation method requirement of water is less than the
inorganic mushroom cultivation.
cultivation process in organic way is very easy. In this process farmer should
take straw (Paddy, Wheat, Barly, Jwar etc.) as much as require, then remove all
rotten as well as infected straw, then dry in sun light for removal of a small
infection from the straw, then chaupped into 2-3 inch length, then calculate
the required water (500%) and organic chemical like Maha Neem (0.1 drop of Maha
Neem solution diluted into 10 litter of water), after the shocking of straw
properly cover with plastic, straw will be shock for 18-24 hour, after that
remove water form straw and spread over a clean plastic sheet and kept for 1-2
hour in shady place, after that prepare bag and spawning, after that tide with
rope and kept in production room. After 15-20 days of bagging remove the
plastic and then start water spraying for maintaining the proper moisture in
the bag.
favourable condition for growth of mushroom is also favourable for growth of
mushroom pathogens. It is a challenging part of mushroom cultivation, because
when we go for the control of theses pathogens with the help of inorganic
chemicals then that pathogens makes a resistance against that chemical and when
we apply that particular chemical at a same doses then that chemical does not
work properly. That’s why we should go in organic way because in this way
pathogens do not make resistance. In organic way mushroom cultivation we can
use Maha Neem 10-5 dilution for control of mushroom pathogens along
with we can use this organic substances for the treat of straw. With the help
of this solution we can control any type of fungus infestation. Trichoderma
is a major problem for mushroom cultivation but we can control this disease
with the help of Maha Neem 10-5 dilution.
Ajeet Kumar, Consultant Agriculture, INRM Expert, JSLPS
(The article is retrieved from KDB Vol-3, Vol-3, edited by Atanu Deb; Article is attached here with author and editor's permission)
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