Saturday 18 March 2017

Kisan mela 2017 - sameer mahapatro

KISAN MELA 2017 in CUTM, Paralakhemundi , Odisha

This kisan mela was a practical show of all latest agriculture developments for all farmers who visited it. All branches of agriculture showed up their best projects and explained it in a magnificent way to farmers in their own mother tongue.

The agriculture department of CUTM deserves all credit.

Production in different states of India

Edited by : Sameer Mahapatro
                    B Sc agriculture, CUTM

*images are clicked by Sameer Mahapatro.

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Water Management- A. Zaman

Water Management under Rainfed Ecology: Rainwater harvesting technologies for crop and water productivity

                                                    A. Zaman

Emeritus Professor
Centurion University of Technology and Management
MSSSoA, Paralakhemundi-761 211, Odisha
Former Head, Irrigation Expatriate Team, The Government of Uganda, East Africa
Water in the ground is stored in the interstices (inter-particulate spaces) of the soil or rock that usually forms earth. Rainfall occurs on the surface of the earth that of a portion percolates through soil and moves downwards under effect of gravity, said to be infiltration, gets filtered in the process of passing through the pores. Thus groundwater aquifers are formed over many years. Indiscriminate use of ground water that caused a drastic depletion of the ground water table and which resulted a lot of serious problems. Ground water reservoir was primarily replenished by the annual precipitation received in a particular area. The rate of entering water to ground water reservoir was depended on pattern of rainfall, run-off, stream flow, permeability of the soils and earth materials present prior to reach the water up to the zone of saturation.
Introduction high yielding irrigation-responsive cultivars of rice and intensive cropping system three to four crops in a year in the same land required huge amount of water. This water was supplied from ground water resources. The deep and shallow tube wells were dug indiscriminately. As a resulted the ground water is depleted rapidly and creating severe health and environmental hazards.  The objectives of the papers dealt with efficient harvesting of rainwater, its conservation and utilization for sustainable agriculture.

The situations prevail
Water became a serious concern in urban as well as rural India. In Maharasthra, only at Aurangabad, more than 30 million of people or every third person in the state, reportedly had been depended on tankers for their daily water supply. In Surendranagar, six out of ten bore well yielded no water even at at the depth of 1,200 feet and over 2.5 crore of people are in distress. In Rajasthan, at least four trains fetch 6 million litres of water from Jodhpur for four lakhs people in only Pali district, become designated as desert state of the country. The drying up of Usman Sagar in Hyderabad, one of the main sources of drinking water in the city has become news to push the people to brink. It has been reported that only 34 of 116 municipalities in Andhra Pradesh get regular water for one hour twice a week. 100 million people in 35 big cities face at least 30 per cent cut in supply of fresh drinking water. In Bangalore, water is rationed twice a week, in Bhopal, 30 minutes a day, 250 tankers make 2250 trips to quench Chennai thirst. In rural India is far away from water tap-culture, the situation is worse off as groundwater level plunged in at least 220 out of 593 districts. Villagers used to trek water from miles. 15 million people are affected by arsenic poisoning, 66 million people in 200 districts become at the risk of fluoride and heavy metals contamination. The situation aggravated with heavy uses of chemicals (inorganic fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides and herbicides) in agriculture, its residual toxicity that come though food chain resulted diarrhea, dysentery, kidney problems like thousands of health hazards apart from severe water borne diseases.     
Thus water became biggest crisis in terms of spread and severity. This became the serious concern of the researchers, policy makers and other stakeholders. 
Table 1: World Water Availability Pattern:
Forms of water
% of availability
1. Sea and Ocean
2. Ice and Iceland
3. Atmospheric water
4. Ground water (Under the ground)
5. Surface water (Lake, River, Pond)
              Source: MoWR, 2011
Status of Groundwater
Bouwer (1978), a renowned hydrologist first reported that nature’s way of storing water is under ground, where about 98% of the entire world’s liquid and fresh water occurs. And mostly 2% occurs in streams and lakes, which often are fed by groundwater as a dependable source, less affected by the vagaries of climate. Indiscriminate use of groundwater particularly with introduction high irrigation responsive photo-insensitive short duration rice varieties throughout the year caused a drastic depletion of the ground water table and resulted to have been complicated problems. Ground water reservoir was primarily replenished by the annual precipitation received in a particular area. The rate of entering water to ground water reservoir was depended on pattern of rainfall, run-off, stream flow, permeability of the soils and earth materials present prior to reach the water up to the zone of saturation. The total water resource of the country comes about 400 million ham and total amount of surface flow throughout the year in our country is estimated as about 180 mham, out of which about 105m ham comes from annual rainfall. And estimated ground water recharge per year is about 67 mham, out of which about 50 m ham comes from rainfall. So there was enough scope to increase the amount of rechargeable ground water adopting ways and means. Introduction high yielding irrigation-responsive varieties of rice and intensive cropping system three to four crops in a year in the same peace of land required huge amount of water. The water was supplied from ground water resources. The deep and shallow tube wells were dug indiscriminately. As results, the depletion of water table occurred to be severe.
In this context, it was very much important to have the access as much as the excess water could be added to underground reservoir during the period high to medium rainfall, the possibilities of occurrence of flood would be drastically reduced. And as the water table would come to rise, the re-cycling of water during the period of drought would become easier and safer. There was clear indication that several soil conservation and water-harvesting measures could increase the ground water recharge up to a certain limit. In India, groundwater recharge from open wells and pits are very common practices in Orissa, Gujrat and Rajasthan. That’s why greater exploitation of ground water prior to rainy season provided scope of greater quantity to infiltrate during high rainfall period. The use of surface water would become also to be more effective and helpful to mitigate the arsenic like problems. As the possibility of contamination of arsenic are very less in surface water; only the flowing surface water is the safest source that is free from arsenic. In this context, it is essential to add ground water as much as possible taking all possible measures for its purification (avoiding all sorts of contamination following de-germs chambers to be constructed for the purpose) and taking off water at need without hampering the water table depletion.

Table 2: Demand and Supply of Water Resources in India
Demand and supply
1. Amount of surface water resources
2. Amount of usable surface water
3. Amount of usable ground water
4. Total usable water
5. Water demand in 2002
6. Water demand in 2025 (Estimated)
    Source: MoWR, 2011

Table 3: The water resources scenario in India
Annual Average Precipitation
1140 mm
Total Available water
400 million ha
Net area sown
145 million ha
Gross cropped area
175 million ha
Irrigated area
70 million ha
Water demand for irrigation
46 million ha
                                                                                                  Source: CGWB Annon, 2014

Groundwater vis-à-vis Rainwater harvesting
Over extraction of groundwater leads to an imbalance in reserve as the withdrawal of water exceeds recharge. Agriculture, as largest stakeholder of water use sector might be responsible for this alarming situation prevailed. The monsoon usually breaks in the month of June-July and ends by October confined to few months only. The heavy amount of rainfall within a shortened time causes maximum river flows during this period. Thus the available water resources are ill-distributed resulting seasonal abundances.  As the flows could not be utilized fully, it sometimes causes devastated flood in some areas that resulted wastage of the water resources. Ironically, Cherrapunji receives about 11,000 mm annual average rainfalls that also suffer from acute shortage of drinking water. Hence, it has got prime important to store such excess water during the period of heavy rainfall in the reservoirs for its subsequent uses.
Water harvesting is the activity of direct collection of rainwater that could either be used directly or could be recharged in to the ground. The activities of water harvesting not only involved collection and storage of excess rainwater but also harvesting surface and groundwater, prevention of losses through evaporation and seepage with all possible hydrological studies and engineering interventions, aimed at conservation and efficient utilization of this limited water endowment of physiographic unit termed as watershed.
India is fortunate enough to receive an average rainfall of at least 1170 mm, higher as compared to global average of 800 mm.
The amount of water received in the form of rainfall over an area is called rainwater endowment of that area. The amount of water could be effectively harvested is called as water-harvesting potential. That could be computed with multiplying amount of rainfalls and collection efficiency.  

Under these stated conditions, ground water recharge to be increased substantially assuring the greater recharge of the aquifers. It could only be possible by larger exploitation of ground water that might be resulted lowering down pre-monsoon ground water table. The upper limit of the groundwater extraction should not be extended more that annual amount of recharge. But actually, introduction of intensive agriculture with high yielding fertilizer and irrigation responsive photo-insensitive short duration rice cultivars that grow three/four times a year that required high volume of water which is being extracted from the ground water. Its crossed its upper limit and posed severe problems lowering the water table. The problem of arsenic, iron concentration increased severely. The natural springs abolished from the farmers’ field. The hand pumps are not workable at various places. The sands are coming with ground water extraction through submersible pumps. The deep tube wells are being inaction at several places. This is the serious concern of the farmers.
There was clear indication that several soil conservation and water-harvesting measures could increase the ground water recharge up to a certain limit. Ground water recharge from open wells and pits are very common practices in Orissa, Gujrat and Rajasthan. That’s why greater exploitation of ground water prior to rainy season provided scope of greater quantity to infiltrate during high rainfall period. The use of surface water would become also to be more effective and helpful to mitigate the arsenic like problems. As the possibility of contamination of arsenic are very less in surface water; only the flowing surface water is the safest source that is free from arsenic. So there was an endeavor to add the ground water as much as possible taking all possible measures for its purification (avoiding all sorts of contamination following de-germs chambers to be constructed for the purpose) and taking off water at need without hampering the water table depletion.

Efficient Rainwater Management

The amount and pattern of annual rainfall in India is clearing indicating the necessity of tapping excess runoff water during medium to heavy rainfall period for it’s recycling and its effective utilization for crop cultivation during rainless period. As water harvested by these means are expensive and limited, a careful planning in installation of such structures as well as its proper utilization is very much essential. The objective of rainwater management is mostly to provide life saving irrigation to crop to obtain as much as possible yield per unit of water used where water is usually applied at specific physiological growth stages of crop to improve its quality and yield. Hence, rainwater management needs more careful observations pertinent to specific land situations and crops to be grown.

Water Harvesting Structures

To take protection and prevention against undependable and erratic rainfall, it is essential to collect excess rainwater, which usually flows unused and waste through runoff. Depending upon the soil, climate, amount of runoff available, land situation and crop choice, a number of water harvesting structures is popular throughout the World. Such as farm ponds (lined and unlined), small water tanks, small earthen dams, water harvesting bundhis and stop dams.

On-farm Water Management

Adoption of proven and efficient water management technologies are essential to maximize crop production and minimizing gap between irrigation potential created and utilized. Application losses due to conveyance, methods and scheduling of irrigation also are effective in this direction. Selection of crop(s) and crop sequence(s) also played an important role for enhancement of water use efficiency through crop cultivation and related agronomic practices. Conservation, distribution and utilization of irrigation water are the basic parameters of on-farm water management. Optimum scheduling of irrigation, suitable method adoption, conjunctive use of rain, surface and ground water for crop cultivation having improved agro-technology adoption and provision of drainage. Application of proper amount of water at proper time increased the water use efficiency and crop yield maximization with given amount of water reducing evaporation and deep percolation. Scheduling of irrigation with limited water availability is a big challenge to the irrigation experts that needs rigorous research.

The possible solutions and recommendations
(1)     Development of micro-level water resources (tank-well system, small springs, perennial and seasonal streams) with a command of 2-10 ha to reduce dependency on major and medium irrigation projects through R & D projects should be explored;
(2)     Effective harvesting of excess rainwater during heavy to medium rainfall period as well as artificial recharge of groundwater should fully be exploited wherever possible through participatory research and development along with mass awareness program;
(3)     Planned intervention is required to reduce the negative effects of surplus groundwater exploitation by two-fold actions: (1) to control excessive draw down and (2) to prevent water quality deterioration and degradation.
(4)     The gap between technology generation and adoption in the farmers’ field is to be minimized; The methods, systems, scheduling of irrigation based on different approaches, its transformation in farmers’ language, water-harvesting structures and water-lifting devices, water measurement should come into farmers’ practices.
(5)     An action plan should be prepared to address the problem of water logging during monsoon period to increase the water productivity, alternate/multiple use of water, crop diversifications and by other suitable measures for which assistance from State Department of Agriculture, Government of West Bengal may be called for;
(6)     Coordination amongst all the water related ministries in national and state levels are very much important that could only ensure proper and efficient water resource utilization. 
(7)     The problems and prospect of major and medium irrigation command should be studied in depth and participatory water management research as well as on-farm research on adoption of irrigation scheduling to be conducted through on-farm water management approaches;



                                               Chitrasena Padhy

Agricultural Extension is the engine of agricultural development. It plays a major role in transfer of technology from laboratory to land, land to laboratory and solution of farmers’ problems. Agricultural Extension helps the farmers training them by educating them to increase their knowledge, skill, attitude and finally to adoption of technology. It plays a major role in promoting agricultural productivity, increasing agricultural productivity, increasing food security, increasing rural livelihoods, and promoting agriculture as an engine of Pro-poor economic growth. The farmers should get the latest information through various sources like leaflet, folder,   Television, Internet and other mass media. They should be trained in the areas of Information Technology. Agricultural Extension can help for global community practice that facilitates dialogue, information exchange and sharing of ideas related to the use of information technologies for sustainable agriculture and rural development. It can help people to express and communicate their problems and needs as they themselves perceive them. It is often said that a problem well defined and stated is a problem half solved. Extension believes in the principle of local leadership .Local leaders are people that can influence and direct the activities of a group of people for achieving the targeted goal.  The farmers can get an idea about the individual and group. Local leaders are those who ensure that progress is made in line with the group needs .They have some amount of influence upon the local community although they are not occupying some formal position. Other villagers go to them for advice. They are sociable, generally interested in community problems and have the wills to help solve the problems of farmers. They are people with integrity and repute.
                                     The attitude of local leaders would influence the success or failure of rural community. They are expected to help the rural communities, solve some pressing rural problems. They make use of unbiased and technically accurate sources of information and they are better equipped than their followers in terms of knowledge, insight and judgment to put innovations for practical use .They are usually cosmopolite in their attitude. They mix well with other people, are of relatively high social status and tend to be more innovative than their followers. The personal influence of opinion leaders is very important in the persuasion stage of the innovation-decision process. It is very important in uncertain situations and in influencing late adopters. The local leaders are recognized as experts and sowers of sound advice. They maintain direct with agricultural research and extension worker.
The Extension worker can involve   the whole   family members for taking any important decision. The family is the basic unit of society and it is the first major social institution. All the members have equal importance and they should be developing equally. Extension work is for the whole family and it should reach all the members of the family. Extension worker has a better chance of success if the extension workers have whole family approach instead of separate and disintegrated approach. Any innovation liked by male member of the family, not liked by the others, the decision may be affected. 

C. Padhy- Head of the Department of Agricultural Extension, M S Swaminathan School of Agriculture
                                              Centurion University of Technology and Management


Agroforestry: A suitable System for Soil Health Enhancement

Department of Agronomy, MS SWAMINATHAN school of Agriculture
Centurion University of Technology & Management
                                             E mail:

Agro-forestry is recognized as a land use option in which trees provide both products and environmental services. In agroforestry systems, the trees grown on different farmlands in the same locality when aggregated can bring about improved wooded situation thereby enhancing environmental protection (Otegbeye, 2002). Land degradation was a significant global issue during the 20th century and remains of high importance in the 21st century as it affects the environment, agronomic productivity, food security, and quality of life (Eswaran et al. 2001).However, human population growth and the need for agricultural expansion, in conjunction with wood harvesting for fuel and export, have led to increasing deforestation rates. Approximately 65 % of the land in the tropical world, which is home to over 630 million people, is susceptible to such degradation (King, 1979).

Role of Agroforestry in soil quality/heath:

Compared to natural, a managed agricultural ecosystem has greater amounts of nutrient flowing in and out, less capacity for nutrient storage, and less nutrient recycling. The capacity of trees to maintain or improve soils is shown by the high fertility status and closed nutrient cycling under natural forest, the restoration of fertility under forest fallow in 6 shifting cultivation, and the experience of reclamation forestry and agroforestry (Young, 2003).

The processes by which trees maintain or improve soil fertility are given below:

1. Photosynthetic fixation of carbon and its transfer to the soil via litter and root decay,
2. Nitrogen fixation by all leguminous trees and in few non-leguminous species (e.g., Alder and Casuarinas),
3. Improved nutrient retrieval by tree roots, including through mycorrhiza and from lower horizon,
4. Providing favourable conditions for the input of nutrients from rainfall and dust
5. Control of erosion by combination of cover and barrier effect, especially the former.
6. Root uptake of nutrients that would otherwise have been lost by leaching,
7. Soils under trees have favourable structure and water holding capacity, through organic matter maintenance and root action,
8. Provision of a range of qualities of plant litter, woody, and herbaceous,
9. Growth promoting substances,
10. The potential through management of pruning and relative synchronization of timing of release to nutrients from litter with demand for their uptake by crops, and
11. Effects of tree shading on microclimate.


Agroforestry is an ecologically based, natural resources management system that sustains production and benefits all those who use the land by integrating trees on farms and in the agricultural land scape. In addition to provide timber, fodder, fuel wood, medicines, etc., it conserves soil and enhances soil fertility. Improvement in soil fertility takes place by the process of checking soil erosion and runoff, maintaining soil organic matter, enhancement of soil physical, chemical, and biological properties, increment of nitrogen input by N-fixing trees and shrubs, and mining of minerals from lower horizons by roots and its recycling through litter fall on ground.


Dhyani, S.K. 1998. An Analysis of Agroforestry Systems on Crop Productivity and Soil Characteristics. Ph. D. Thesis, Department of Botany, North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya, pp. 220

Lal, R. 2001. Soil Degradation by Erosion. Land Degradation and Development 12: 519-539.

Patiram and Choudhury, B.U. 2002. Role of Agroforestry in Soil Health Management, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam – 793 103, Meghalaya.

Sharma, K.L. 2002. Effect of agroforestry systems on soil quality –monitoring and assessment. Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santoshnagar, Hyderabad – 500059 .

Young, A. Agroforestry for Soil Management (2nd ed.). CAB International, Wallingford, UK.