Tuesday 9 January 2018


GREEN REVOLUTION - Gifted India with  sufficient amount of food.  But farmers were and are not literate even today so this gift to the history of mankind for satisfying their hungers has now become a discussed topic all over the country for its adverse affects produced on the cultivable lands and resources.
Farmers adopted to the green revolution methods are now blaming their fates because of  their poor livings and earnings. Analysis of their problems shows that the cultivation practices of farmers,  farm materials used (like fertilizers, pesticides, machinery's ) are causing adverse impacts on the soil health , productivity, and  on resources . Frequent and regular crop failures, yield  losses  , crop damages, etc ......are certain impacts seen in the agriculture sector nowadays at a frequent rate.
Farmers have become helpless  and hopeless by facing these  types of reactions from their cultivation practices. scientists are also in confusion and are working  for solving these  issues occurring frequently. 
So now both farmers and the scientists  or researchers are looking for adopting to Organic farming practices. The Agriculture sector has been totally dominated by the inorganic  practices of cultivations and farmers have also become adopted to these practices . so researchers are trying to implement  the age old Organic  cultivation practices   atleast in  1-2% of the total cultivated area in the country.
In my recent visit to a Organic Agriculture Farm at Gunupur , Odisha, it was really wonderful to see and learn the ways of growing crops organically. The farm had sufficient place to grow many field and horticultural and plantation crops along with many trees like screw pine,coconut ,etc.... All those crops grown there included no usage of chemical fertilizers and pest control was also made through natural control methods. Rice was cultivated  in around 2 acres of land and it was organically cultivated without use of any chemical fertilizers. many plantation crops like cocoa ,coffee, screw pine,coconut were also found grown inside the farm area. many kinds of beautiful flowers with most medicinal properties were also found growing inside the farm area.
Not only the products were organic but the atmosphere inside  the farm was also just pleasant and awesome with pure air that can be really felt and breathed. it was just an wonderful tour to the organic farm with my batch mates and my college faculties.

pictures are here.......


pond inside the farm for irrigation and fish cultivation

coffee plant

organic rice cultivation

temporary vermicompost

banana tissue cullture 

vermicompost pit

vermiwash collectedin tanks

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