Friday 14 April 2017



ESOKO is a cloud based extention program which was first started in Africa.ESOKO becomes a communication platform to reach smallholder farmers. It was firsted started in the year 2004.

ESOKO provides advices or informations to the farmers like market prices , weather forecasts, and growing tips etc , to help them get rid of their farming problems , to increasing in the yield and profit as well as to business.

ESOKO is other wise known for his weekly based service , i.e the farmer who loged in to the ESOKO or got the membership of the ESOKO then he will get a weekly services .therefore ESOKO provides all the informtions about the farming and others problem for one week.

So many people get benifts from this ESOKO because it is very easy to use mobile service and wekly service for the farmers.


                                                                           DIGITAL GREEN

          Digital green is a non governmental independent organization .It mainly focus is on the training of the farmers and provides some video related to various farmer‘s problem .By watching that video the farmers can get rid of their various problem related to their farming and make the farming successful. If any one get an idea about any new farming technology they can upload their videos or theories in the digital green website so that others can also follow that method and get successful farming.


  •  To improve the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of organization involved in agriculture.
  •       Provide video demonstation for the problems of the farmer.
  • Participation of women on the projects of digital green for their empowerment , as topic like crop grown by women.
topic written by - Mr. Shravan kumar panda  , BSc. Ag ,MSSSOA, CUTM


According to survey there are aproximatly 38 crore mobile service have provided to the rural people.In rural area still now internet facilities are not available.Therefore mobile messaging is the most effective way to solve the farmers problems.M-kisan was started in june 2012.
M-kissan SMS portal allow central and state government organization in agriculture and allied sector to provid information to the farmers through SMS in their language , agriculture practice ad location.
Due to this mobile service, the rural area where internet connection is very poor,the people can get the solution of their problem related to the farming easily by mobile and get the successful farming.Mkissan uses all the database or information of the digital green.

The main moto of mkisan is to unleashing the power of mobile in the hands of farmers to get information / advisories as per his or her preferences in the form of text/voice messages and getting access to numerous database without internet.

Community Radio - Sameer Mahapatro


The word community is derived from the Latin word "communes" which means - shared in common.
A community is commonly considered as a social unit which has something in common,such as norms,values,identities.
The term "Radio" was derived from the Latin word "Radius"-spoke of a wheel,beam of light.
Radio is the technology of using radio waves to carry information,such as modulating properties of electromagnetic energy waves,transmitted through space.
The community radio can be managed by non-profit making organisations such as KVKs, SAUs having a proof record of three years of service to the local community.

Principles of community radio -

  • Access
  • Participation
  • Self-management
  • Community mended
  • Accountability

Basic characteristics of community radio-

  • It encourages participation
  • It offers the opportunity to any member
  • It uses technology appropriate to the economic capability of the people
  • It promotes and improves problem solving

Rules of community radio-

  • License will be granted for FM transmitters for power of 50W or less
  • License shall furnish a Bank guarantee for a sum of Rs.25000 at the time of grant of permission agreement
  • It should have an ownership and management structure
  • Programmes for broadcasting should be relevant to the educational,social and cultural needs of the community.

Rural development through ICT - pragnya pramita mishra


 ITC's  e -choupal

"choupal " means meeting point in village. The Indian Tobacco company (ITC) launched e-choupal in June 2000 in Hoshangabad district of Madhya pradesh. 
At present E-choupal services have reached out to more than 3.5 million farmers growing a range of crops like soybean,wheat,coffee,wheat,rice,pulses in over 31000 villages of Madhya pradesh, Karnataka, Andhra pradesh, Uttar pradesh, Rajasthan , Maharashtra & kerela.

ITC supplied an e-choupal kit to each village with some components like-

1. A standard personal computer ,multimedia kit
2. Connection line via telephone
3. UPS
4. a dot-matrix printer

This technology helped the farmers to receive data about 
  • local weather information
  • market information : Mandi price list, etc...
  • best agricultural practice
  • news about government decisions, subsidies ,MSP and any other innovations.

m - Krishi ( mobile phone based ICT )

Mobile Agro Advisory system ( m - krishi ) helps in providing information to farmers on mobile phone and also enables farmers to send feedback  comprising of voice, text, pictures specific to their land to agricultural experts. 
By this system farmers receives information on micro climate, local market price, crops available in the market , seeds availability & other information on a mobile phone.

edited by - Pragnya Pramita Mishra
                  BSc Agriculture , MSSSOA
                  CUTM ,paralakhemundi,Odisha

Sunday 9 April 2017

precision farming -maneesha mannam

                     PRECISION FARMING

Precision Farming or precision agriculture (PA)  site is a farming management concept based on observing, measuring and responding to inter and intra-field variability in crops
Ø Concept of precision includes variation in crop & soil properties with in a field. 

Precision agriculture aims to optimize field-level management with regard to:
·         crop science: by matching farming practices more closely to crop needs (e.g. fertilizer inputs);
·         environmental protection: by reducing environmental risks and footprint of farming (e.g. limiting leaching of nitrogen);
·         economics: by boosting competitiveness through more efficient practices (e.g. improved management of fertilizer usage and other inputs).
Precision agriculture also provides farmers with a wealth of information to:
·         build up a record of their farm;
·         improve decision-making;
·         foster greater traceability
·         enhance marketing of farm products
·         improve lease arrangements and relationship with landlords
Technologies adopted for precision farming:
                    1.GIS(global positioning system)
                    2.GPS(geographical processing system)
                    3.remote sensing& yield monitoring
Precision farming is an gricultural university innovation.
TNAU started precision farming in 2004 at 2 districts mainly dharmapuri & krishnagiri.
400 hectares selected for precision farming
                           1.drip & fertigation
                          3.field preparation
                         4. crop production technologies
Lack of infrastructure ICT based farming
Absence of appropriate skils and the potential users of ICT
Lack of appropriate content
Knowledge and technological lack


Cloud computing
Cloud computing is a type of Internet-based computing that provides shared computer processing resources and data to computers and other devices on demand. It is a model for enabling ubiquitous, on-demand access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., computer networks, servers, storage, applications and services), which can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal man
(1)  DIGITAL GREEN -   it is an organization that works to increase agricultural productivity by training small and marginal farmers via short instructional videos.
(2)  ESOKO -   here smallholder farmers can sign up to esoko to receive a package of weekly advisory services through news ,voice messages etc. .
(3)  FRONT LINE SMS -   it has a mission that the empowerment of people to use their own ingenuity to craft solutions using mobile technology.
(4)  LIFE LINES INDIA – it brings agro advisory right to the field of a farmer.
(5)  M KISAN – it uses mobile technologies to strengthen farmer- extension expert linkages in India. it uses additional information provided by digital green.

Advantages of Cloud Computing

(1) Cost Savings -Perhaps, the most significant cloud computing benefit is in terms of IT cost savings. in fact, cloud services are extremely affordable for smaller businesses.

(2)Reliability-With a managed service platform, cloud computing is much more reliable and consistent than in-house IT infrastructure.

(3)Manageability -Cloud computing provides enhanced and simplified IT management and maintenance capabilities through central administration of resources, vendor managed infrastructure and SLA backed agreements.

(4)Strategic Edge -Ever-increasing computing resources give you a competitive edge over competitors, as the time you require for IT procurement is virtually nil.

Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

(1)Downtime -As cloud service providers take care of a number of clients each day, they can become overwhelmed and may even come up against technical outages.

(2)Security -Although cloud service providers implement the best security standards and industry certifications, storing data and important files on external service providers always opens up risks.

(3)Vendor Lock-In -Although cloud service providers promise that the cloud will be flexible to use and integrate, switching cloud services is something that hasn’t yet completely evolved. Organizations may find it difficult to migrate their services from one vendor to another

(4)Limited Control -Since the cloud infrastructure is entirely owned, managed and monitored by the service provider, it transfers minimal control over to the customer.